Have Tighten Skin After Childbirth

After giving birth, women often have problems in the area of skin. The desire to have the skin smoother and firmer into their dreams. So, what can be done?

It was inevitable that women will have skin problems due to enlargement of infants up to nine months and after childbirth. However, Moms can get easily from the tip of this solution, as reported by Boldsky.

Important nutrients for pregnant women

- Reduce food not the right way. Hunger or lack of fluid will make a slow metabolic rate and the possibility of loose skin.

Eating all natural foods can be the best choice. These foods should be eaten in small portions in the same interval. Kosumsi Avoid heavy meals as much as 1000-1500 calories in one meal. To increase your metabolism, you can also consume the fruit and herbs.

Exercise to avoid sagging skin

There is resistance exercises to avoid sagging skin. Resistance training can build muscle under sagging stomach. With the gradual loss of abdominal fat, the muscles take an empty space without allowing the skin to sag. Simple stretches and exercises will avoid loose skin trunk and conditions at the bottom.

Gel and warm massage oil

A gel (ask your doctor's advice before using) applied to the sagging skin. Transdermal supplements to absorb fats and avoid loose skin. Also, massaging the body with warm coconut oil or castor oil on the stomach and a hot shower can prevent skin sagging.
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