Alert, Lack of Oxygen to the Eye

ORDER eye works well, it takes a considerable supply of oxygen from the outside or inside the body. Cause of its shortcomings can be many things, such as too long in the air-conditioned room and in front of computer screens, smoke exposure, as well as the use of contact lenses on an ongoing basis which makes the amount of oxygen into the eye a little more.

Besides the suggestion to occasionally remove the contact lens and replace it with glasses, contact lens material used is also noteworthy. One little, eyes that lack of oxygen can make the vision memburam. The following miscellaneous eye deprived of oxygen, as reported by eHow.


Eyes that lack of oxygen is generally redness, stinging irritation, vision becomes blurry, and dried. Silence can lead to other complications such as permanent eye dryness and corneal dystrophy, which makes the cornea of ​​the eye feels like a cloud, and changing the shape of the object being viewed. Other diseases to watch out for is keratoconus. Characteristics ialan korea depletion causes astigmatism and farsightedness disease. These cases can be treated with corneal transplant so that the eye returns to normal.


The key to the eyes of a lack of oxygen is not following the rules of use and care of contact lenses properly. Do not use contact lenses during sleep and replace it with a new one within the limits of use. Every now and then, let your eyes breathe freely with wearing glasses a day a week. Before you apply, make sure the lenses have been cleared of fat that has accumulated with the solution provided.


Lack of oxygen is generally seen eye redness and stinging, eye drops provide specifically for contact lens users. Finally, select the contact lenses made from silicone hydrogel is able to deliver more oxygen, so the eye to breathe more freely and avoid complications. Made from silicone hydrogel contact lenses can be found in the optical trusted.
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