Men's Pants Manpris be Korea Trends

Even shows part of the lower leg, pants manpris be among the items that are loved by Korean men. What article?

Fashion trends were not only found in women only, but also in men. As happened in recent years, the men were so concerned about fashion. One of the items are booming among Korean men namely, pants manpris.

Pants that have a long 3/8 is to make the leg muscles of men and the ankle bone was clearly visible. However, both the ordinary to famous celebrities, especially those known as the "Fashion Icon" looks a lot wearing this manpris.

Manpris pants pieces that are shorter than pants in general do not need to worry about making you look so small. According to the stylist, Yoo Ah In the drama "Fashion King," the choice of skinny pants or narrow it down better than pants that have a bottom width.

To make it look attractive, unified look with matching tops that fit and appropriate. You can manipulate the display with a horizontal striped shirt to make it look taller.

For those of you who are not celebrities, you can play it safe by exposing only the ankle bone. In order to keep it looking neat, use the right socks if you wear a formal suit. Also, choose a neutral color to make look cool, like gray, brown, or other neutral colors.

"Because these pants to expose the ankle bones of men, is very important if you pay more attention to shoes. Will be safer if you choose a comfortable sneakers and choose neutral colors for a more trendy," Jang Geun Suk tap stylist, Lee Min Hyung, as reported Oh Kpop.
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