Modis appear ala large woman

Big body does not mean losing the opportunity to look fashionable. With proper selection of clothing, your view was still stunning.

Having an ideal body shape is the dream of all women. With the ideal body shape, wear clothing with various materials, motifs, and any model would look good.

Unfortunately, the body does not belong to many women. There are some extra-bodied women who lack confidence because of trouble finding clothes.

Not surprisingly, obese women tend to choose to "hide" with a size larger and darker colors wanrna. In fact, you can actually look colorful with a variety of fashions. Follow these tips, as reported from Oprah.

Find the size that fits

Use the clothes with the right size, but by no means strict. Any of your body, it is better to use clothes that fit. Large size clothes just make you look unattractive.

motif vertical

Avoid clothing with a pattern of horizontal or V-neck, as it makes an optical illusion that makes you look bigger. Be in a vertical motif that gives the wearer a slim impression.

Know your body shape

If your body is pear-shaped (enlarged to the bottom), disguised the lower body. This can be done by giving more detail on the upper body. Meanwhile, if your body is greater at the top, wear a simple top.

Stay away from the skirt / shorts

For those of you who were big, skirts and shorts should you throw it away because it shows the size of the foot. Half-knee skirts and pants are the best choice because it gives the impression of a slim.

affirmed the waist

Use the waist belt to reinforce the shape. Indicate the best part of your body with the right colors and patterns. Make eyes at him.

Avoid thin material

Avoid clothes with a thin material and stretch like garbadin. Fabric such as this will clarify any part of your body.
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