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Wow, Dad Role of Household is Increasing

WORK households do not always belong to the mother alone. Lately, the trend seems father households is growing rapidly.
If during the domestic affairs synonymous with femininity, it gradually changed their roles to the adam's hand. This phenomenon occurs approximately 10 years in America. In reality, the men seemed no longer embarrassed to take over the role of a mother to take care of domestic issues to raising children.

As performed the role of a teacher in America, Grossbauer (35) and his wife Erin Callaghan. The couple had been discussing their domestic role at home. In fact, before their children were born, they are discussing who will stay home and handles household tasks including raising children.

"By becoming an educator, I have experience in early childhood development. While my wife is an attorney specializing in the matter of making money," he said, as reported by the Telegraph.

In fact, according to national census data the United States, the number of fathers who stay at home has doubled in the last 10 years.

For some people it may increase the number of fathers who stay home due to economic recession in the United States in recent years. However, according to a new study from Boston College, the increase is probably due to the choice and gender roles that are now growing of the individual.

"We found a difference of fathers who were laid off and those who choose to leave their jobs," said Brad Harrington, a research professor and executive director of the Boston College Center.

In addition to factors such as maximizing household income and avoiding childcare, the father turned out to be enjoying his role in raising children and taking care of other household affairs. In fact, there are social groups are based in big cities like New York named themselves NYC Dads Group. The group already has up to 600 people who stay at home dad.

For fathers household, by accepting his new role on domestic affairs, it means they care about his wife's career advancement. In addition, the gender issue is also no longer an excuse for men in matters of taking care of household matters without prejudice to his status as head of household.
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