Jennifer Lopez's body style Woe

AGE is not young and have children, but Jennifer Lopez can keep in shape remains fantastic. What's the secret?

Investigate a calibaration, beautiful singer who is often addressed through occupation JLo's famous diet in France. The program was introduced by the management bodies of nutrition and diet expert named Pierre occupation.

For this diet well, JLo avoid eating carbohydrates such as pasta and rice, and eat more foods rich in protein and green vegetables.

In addition, he also did not drink and dessert. As to suppress hunger, JLo tasted like vegetable soup before eating to stay fit and full. So that was launched Boldsky, Thursday (02/02/2012).

Do not stop there, the singer born July 24, 1969 was a success has a slim body shape thanks to the sport four to five days a week. He underwent training Krav Maga (Israeli self-defense forces) and cardio for 60-90 minutes, which began with a 10-minute warm-up, including yoga.

As a singer and dancer, Jennifer also loves to dance and feel it is one of the easiest exercises to lose weight. Jazz and hip hop is her favorite dance.
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