Successful Recommend Kids Clean Lifestyle

TEACH hygiene in children is not easy. But by introducing an early age, these behaviors will become habits.

As a parent, you would have difficulty when teaching the child a clean lifestyle. But from now on, you need to firmly take a child for clean living. No need to teach things that are too complicated, you can simply apply a few simple steps to clean living and terhidar children from disease, as reported by Boldsky.

Wash your hands

Children who were aged two to three years do not understand when ordered to wash hands. Therefore, as parents need to guide children to wash their hands before and after meals. You need to give the first example, give an example to him after that, you take the child to wash hands.

Changing clothes

You need to teach children to change clothes after playing. This step as one effort to maintain cleanliness.

Cleaning up feces after defecation or small

You need to teach children to clean dirt or small bowel left in the toilet. In addition, you also need to teach children self-cleaning of the remaining dirt or small bowel.

Brushing your teeth

Another thing that needs to be taught to children are brushing their teeth regularly.

Bathing and shampooing

Children need to know that bathing and shampooing is one effort to maintain a healthy body. In the meantime, you also need to teach children to save water while bathing and shampooing.
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