Myth vs. Fact You Know Sex is worth (I)

MANY myths about sex with your partner to get you confused with the myth. Before you believe the myth that in depth, you'll want to know the reasons and the facts.
Information about sex was a lot of growing in the field. With the passage of time, often many things that are confusing. Quite often, you would be confused by the information that the truth is not known for sure.

Alicia Stanton, researchers certified OB / GYN and author of Hormone Harmony revealed nine myths and facts about sex, as reported by the Times of India.

Myth: Menopause lower sexual desire

Fact: When women reach menopause, they generally maintain hormonal balance. In this condition, pregnancy and menstruation no longer a concern because of their sexual session can be done at any time without memertimbangkan both. Under these conditions, their confidence was generally higher during sex.

Myth: The most important hormone is testosterone to boost libido

Fact: Although testosterone is essential to increase sexual arousal, and helping sexual function in men and women, the presence of other hormones also play a role, such as the hormone estrogen. In addition, living with a relaxed mood will make easy bubbling. Moreover, the hormonal balance necessary given the presence always kept its balance of these hormones have an effect on your metabolism, and sexual arousal.

Myth: When in love, libido into high

Fact: Relationships can be mengurasi time and energy because of a row of concern need to be posted on the couple. When you love, attention is usually focused on the couple alone so anything that involves the couple wants to be your priority list. This is what life and boost sexual arousal to be higher than before.

Myth: healthy condition makes you want to have sex on a regular basis

Fact: Sex is a necessary routine agenda with your partner. Therefore, no matter whether the condition is healthy or not. Essentially, do not compare with a partner Questioning your sexual relationship. You feel satisfied with the sexual relationship with a partner that is passed, it's no good comparing with others.

Myth: Connections with partners to make him know your wishes

Fact: Every couple wants their satisfaction, even if you and your partner is not much to express sexual desires to each other. It's good, do an intense communication on the matter. To be mutually happy couple, discuss their wishes so that you can make it happen. Above all, communication is key of success
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