Increase Passion Sex with Sex Toys

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Wow, Dad Role of Household is Increasing

WORK households do not always belong to the mother alone. Lately, the trend seems father households is growing rapidly.
If during the domestic affairs synonymous with femininity, it gradually changed their roles to the adam's hand. This phenomenon occurs approximately 10 years in America. In reality, the men seemed no longer embarrassed to take over the role of a mother to take care of domestic issues to raising children.

As performed the role of a teacher in America, Grossbauer (35) and his wife Erin Callaghan. The couple had been discussing their domestic role at home. In fact, before their children were born, they are discussing who will stay home and handles household tasks including raising children.

"By becoming an educator, I have experience in early childhood development. While my wife is an attorney specializing in the matter of making money," he said, as reported by the Telegraph.

In fact, according to national census data the United States, the number of fathers who stay at home has doubled in the last 10 years.

For some people it may increase the number of fathers who stay home due to economic recession in the United States in recent years. However, according to a new study from Boston College, the increase is probably due to the choice and gender roles that are now growing of the individual.

"We found a difference of fathers who were laid off and those who choose to leave their jobs," said Brad Harrington, a research professor and executive director of the Boston College Center.

In addition to factors such as maximizing household income and avoiding childcare, the father turned out to be enjoying his role in raising children and taking care of other household affairs. In fact, there are social groups are based in big cities like New York named themselves NYC Dads Group. The group already has up to 600 people who stay at home dad.

For fathers household, by accepting his new role on domestic affairs, it means they care about his wife's career advancement. In addition, the gender issue is also no longer an excuse for men in matters of taking care of household matters without prejudice to his status as head of household.

Myth vs. Fact You Know Sex is worth (II-Out)

Myths about sex many in the community. Regardless of right or wrong, you need to know more facts behind it so as not to misinterpret.
The number of sex myths that developed in the community often makes couples hit by confusion. However, you do not swallow it away without finding out the facts of that information. Learn about the myths and facts about sex that follows, as reported by the Times of India.

Myth: The most important sexual organ that is sensitive to the hidden part

Fact: Despite the sensitive areas of fun, remember that the brain is the biggest sex organ that has an important role. Generating capability of sexual desire is far more instrumental to revive your sex drive, and then spread it with a partner.

Myth: If you do not have a partner, it is difficult to reduce libido

Fact: Loving yourself is very important. In fact, if you do not currently have a partner, learn to create a sensual feeling and encourage yourself to enjoy life. Libido is often difficult dikontro. However, you must stay focused on life at this time. Learn to experience the joys of yourself so you stay happy, although there is no spouse.

Myth: Women have problems with low libido

Fact: Although sexual desire disorder, known as low libido is more common in women, it does not mean men do not experience it. In general, libido disorders do occur in both men and women. Some causes include alcohol, various drugs, stress, hormonal imbalance (such as low testosterone), the use of cocaine, the brain tumor that produces the hormone prolactin, diabetes, and other serious diseases like cancer can affect low libido.

Myth: The problem of hormones only cause of low libido in women

Fact: There is a hormonal imbalance such as low estrogen, low testosterone, hypothyroidism, and high cortisol are often interfere with sexual arousal. However, the role of various other causes were also potentially merunyamkan passionate lovemaking. Physical problems like pain in the vulva or vaginal dryness can cause frustration and make the libido down. Serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis can also reduce libido. In addition, psychological problems (including depression), alcohol, tobacco use, and weight problems can also cause low libido.

Myth vs. Fact You Know Sex is worth (I)

MANY myths about sex with your partner to get you confused with the myth. Before you believe the myth that in depth, you'll want to know the reasons and the facts.
Information about sex was a lot of growing in the field. With the passage of time, often many things that are confusing. Quite often, you would be confused by the information that the truth is not known for sure.

Alicia Stanton, researchers certified OB / GYN and author of Hormone Harmony revealed nine myths and facts about sex, as reported by the Times of India.

Myth: Menopause lower sexual desire

Fact: When women reach menopause, they generally maintain hormonal balance. In this condition, pregnancy and menstruation no longer a concern because of their sexual session can be done at any time without memertimbangkan both. Under these conditions, their confidence was generally higher during sex.

Myth: The most important hormone is testosterone to boost libido

Fact: Although testosterone is essential to increase sexual arousal, and helping sexual function in men and women, the presence of other hormones also play a role, such as the hormone estrogen. In addition, living with a relaxed mood will make easy bubbling. Moreover, the hormonal balance necessary given the presence always kept its balance of these hormones have an effect on your metabolism, and sexual arousal.

Myth: When in love, libido into high

Fact: Relationships can be mengurasi time and energy because of a row of concern need to be posted on the couple. When you love, attention is usually focused on the couple alone so anything that involves the couple wants to be your priority list. This is what life and boost sexual arousal to be higher than before.

Myth: healthy condition makes you want to have sex on a regular basis

Fact: Sex is a necessary routine agenda with your partner. Therefore, no matter whether the condition is healthy or not. Essentially, do not compare with a partner Questioning your sexual relationship. You feel satisfied with the sexual relationship with a partner that is passed, it's no good comparing with others.

Myth: Connections with partners to make him know your wishes

Fact: Every couple wants their satisfaction, even if you and your partner is not much to express sexual desires to each other. It's good, do an intense communication on the matter. To be mutually happy couple, discuss their wishes so that you can make it happen. Above all, communication is key of success

This danger Excessive Masturbation

Masturbation or self-stimulating to be done now increasingly commonplace. However, when carried to excess, masturbation can give a bad impact on you.

In order to obtain sexual gratification, there are several ways you can do, one of them to masturbate. Most people think masturbation is natural and good for health impact. However, when carried to excess, masturbation can be detrimental to the body.

As to whether the criteria for excessive masturbation?

For those who masturbate several times a week, then you need not worry because it is still fairly reasonable. However, for those who do it several times a day, and who do it every day, you fall over.

Here are some adverse effects from too much masturbation, as described Ahmad Fauzi Suryasoemirat, author of Sex, Facts, and Myths.

Hair loss and loss of memory

According to sex experts at, excessive masturbation can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous function. Excessive stimulation can trigger the production of sex hormones are more and make changes in body chemistry. Side effects, the body becomes tired, hair loss, memory loss, blurred vision, and pain in the testicles.

Sexual dysfunction and impotence

Excessive masturbation may suppress the function of the nervous system and liver, which would lead to sexual exhaustion (especially in young men). This includes the occurrence of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men before the age of maturity before.

Leakage of sperm

As a result of too frequent use, the nerve that controls the ejaculation valve can be weakened. This can lead to leakage of semen, sperm discharge from the penis even without an erection.


Other impacts that may arise from too much masturbation is a stretched social relations. Your time will be much taken with this new hobby, so the time should be spent with your partner, family, or friends to be reduced.

Katy Perry Cupcake Bra Reaping Controversy

Firework singer is back making a controversy when he displays some of the girls who dressed himself. The controversy evaporated as in the photo, one of the children appeared wearing a bra-shaped cupcake.

27-year singer performing with a group of girls dressed like her in some video clips. Katy and the mini version of the events featured at red carpet at the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto, Canada.

Appear in the red carpet, one of his daughters Katy Perry dressed in her music video, titled California Gurls, complete with blue wig and a bra-shaped cupcake.

Looks really imitate the ex wife of Russell Brand in 2010. At that time, Katy also covering her breasts with a cupcake and whipped cream, such as reported by The Sun.

In addition to the use of child memerlihatkan cupcake bra, there are also children who wore a white wig and dress up like their parents, like Katy in her music video entitled The One That Got Away.

Fashionable style of Kim Kardashian? It's his cheat sheet

Kim Kardashian is a beautiful figure and sexy women have been drugged a lot of style to style himself. Not surprisingly, his appearance was always inspired by women.

Kim Kardashian, celebrity and star of reality show The Kardashian always look pretty and sexy at every opportunity. Fashionistas who love to collect shoes, admits, never had trouble in choosing clothes to wear.

"I always know what to wear, but most importantly it is comfortable and suitable clothes for me," said Kim, as reported by Elle.

The key to Kim could be a tip for those who want a stylish fashionable. If you want to imitate it, here is based.


On many occasions, Kim was never absent to make his eyes shine. Eyeliner that frames the eyes and thick lashes that characterizes Kim Kardashian. Proverbial eyes are the windows to the heart, apparently embraced Kim.

Black hair and thick

If you notice Kim style of everyday life, you certainly know how she did her hair. Kim really likes her hair tied back and give the impression of a clean and tidy. But for other occasions, the sister of Khloe also like to use curls and seductive style. The most important is to keep treating the hair with natural beauty.

Shoe heels

Kim is very familiar with his body very well. For that, he's around his lack of height by wearing high heels. Shoe choices were varied, ranging from stilettos to pump shoes. However, Kim will have matching shoes or bag with clothes.

Clothes that fit in the body

Women 31 years has always wear clothes that fit her body. With a curvy body, Kim is not shy showing her curves in her dress or t-shirt.

Leopard motif

For business clothing motif, Kardashian family is apparently very fond of this motif. Kim is often seen using leopard motif in any form. Starting from clothes, leggings, shoes, bags, even a leopard print coat.

"The motive of this leopard will always be classic and trendy," he said.


For others, sunglasses is protection from the sun. However, Kim made it as complementary in style. On each occasion, the former wife Kris Humphries is often used as an accessory glasses pembingkai face.

Blazers and jackets

As a business woman, Kim also often styled office. To complement his style, Kim always use a blazer or a jacket that fits in the body. The black color is most often chosen.

Successful Recommend Kids Clean Lifestyle

TEACH hygiene in children is not easy. But by introducing an early age, these behaviors will become habits.

As a parent, you would have difficulty when teaching the child a clean lifestyle. But from now on, you need to firmly take a child for clean living. No need to teach things that are too complicated, you can simply apply a few simple steps to clean living and terhidar children from disease, as reported by Boldsky.

Wash your hands

Children who were aged two to three years do not understand when ordered to wash hands. Therefore, as parents need to guide children to wash their hands before and after meals. You need to give the first example, give an example to him after that, you take the child to wash hands.

Changing clothes

You need to teach children to change clothes after playing. This step as one effort to maintain cleanliness.

Cleaning up feces after defecation or small

You need to teach children to clean dirt or small bowel left in the toilet. In addition, you also need to teach children self-cleaning of the remaining dirt or small bowel.

Brushing your teeth

Another thing that needs to be taught to children are brushing their teeth regularly.

Bathing and shampooing

Children need to know that bathing and shampooing is one effort to maintain a healthy body. In the meantime, you also need to teach children to save water while bathing and shampooing.

Men's Pants Manpris be Korea Trends

Even shows part of the lower leg, pants manpris be among the items that are loved by Korean men. What article?

Fashion trends were not only found in women only, but also in men. As happened in recent years, the men were so concerned about fashion. One of the items are booming among Korean men namely, pants manpris.

Pants that have a long 3/8 is to make the leg muscles of men and the ankle bone was clearly visible. However, both the ordinary to famous celebrities, especially those known as the "Fashion Icon" looks a lot wearing this manpris.

Manpris pants pieces that are shorter than pants in general do not need to worry about making you look so small. According to the stylist, Yoo Ah In the drama "Fashion King," the choice of skinny pants or narrow it down better than pants that have a bottom width.

To make it look attractive, unified look with matching tops that fit and appropriate. You can manipulate the display with a horizontal striped shirt to make it look taller.

For those of you who are not celebrities, you can play it safe by exposing only the ankle bone. In order to keep it looking neat, use the right socks if you wear a formal suit. Also, choose a neutral color to make look cool, like gray, brown, or other neutral colors.

"Because these pants to expose the ankle bones of men, is very important if you pay more attention to shoes. Will be safer if you choose a comfortable sneakers and choose neutral colors for a more trendy," Jang Geun Suk tap stylist, Lee Min Hyung, as reported Oh Kpop.

Wrong Hair Cut? Ladies, this solution

You are wrong haircut EVER! If you have, do not be discouraged. This strategy can do.

Here are tips from celebrity hair stylist, Jeanie Syfu, to cope with the wrong hair cut and style to prevent your death, as reported by Cosmopolitan.

Use hair accessories

Using tongs or hair accessories such as bobby pins, colorful with a variety of forms to help you enhance your appearance is wrong haircut.

Have fun with your hair

Change the look of your hair or straighten mengeritingnya. Who knows, you could end up like a hair model for one piece.

hair extensions

Additional hair that can be clamped itself can be a practical and inexpensive option if your hair cut too short. If you have a lot of excess time and money, you can do hair extensions at the salon.

To prevent that you do not have one piece again, take the example image you want your hair to the salon. So that the hair stylist can really know what you want.

You can also seek advice from hairdressers on a suitable model for you, according to face shape or activities undertaken so far.
Once in a while, cut hair in a style different from usual. If you are familiar with the model layer of hair, occasionally with a bob hair cut.

Powerful Solution to Eliminate Acne on Back

Acne that appears on the back little can interfere with your performance. If not confident with the disorder, you immediately do the anticipation.

Having perfect skin is every woman's dream. Given the beautiful skin is a reflection of the diligent care of your body, then you are also required to maintain the asset.

Indeed, one pimple can ruin your appearance. Not a pimple on the face, but also on the back. This condition would disrupt performance when using a backless dress pet.

So you are not troubled by acne, do the following solution, as reported by Sqiudoo.

- Use an antibacterial cleanser. Stay away from soap because it makes the skin dry and add to the growth of acne.

- Treat with a cream containing benzoyl peroxide on the acne affected area. Brush the acne slowly and do not scratch it, allow it to dry.

- Use cotton clothing that absorbs sweat. Sprinkle the powder back to reduce perspiration.

- Only use a clean bra or clothing.

- Immediately shower after a sweaty activities. Do not immediately go into the sauna when I was sweating.

- Change your clothes twice a day, even if you do not sweat. This method avoids the bacteria can thrive.

Compared to Men, Women Prone to Loss of Sexual Arousal

EXCEPT turn your sex drive is more difficult, women are more vulnerable to loss of sex drive is higher than men. Why is that?

Libido in women with men as we know it is much different. Women can quickly lose libido, while men never stop if the related matters of sex.

To bridge these differences, the researchers also suggested the business in order to safeguard the interests of keeping the mood to keep it fun and exciting in the bedroom. This is important as controlling the sex of a woman of the period of time, given the male sex drive is always prime.

Moreover, also found that the scale of sex desire, the passion of a woman who had continued to decline each month, making it possible to measure the sexual desire of women is only related mere duration, as quoted from Dailymail.

For this study, the desire of the 170 men and women were monitored and assessed on the Female Sexual Function Index, in which all participants who were sexually active heterosexuals, ranging from one month to nine years. Sarah Murray, who led the research study were representative of all students at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

"From a scale from 1.2 to 6.0 is the quantification of the sexual drive in women, so it can be found in particular accuracy. For each month, the addition of women in this study had a relationship with her partner. As a result, their sexual desires seen a decrease of 0.02, of Female Sexual Function Index survey, "says Sarah Murray.

According to Live Science, these findings lead the researchers to believe, that the duration of the relationship is a better predictor than the satisfaction of sexual desire in bed, or the overall health of the relationship. This study is contrary to some beliefs, ie men and women has decreased over the months and years about sex.

"Instead, he wants to have sex in a continuing agenda driven evolutionary needs for men to produce offspring, while the women changed their focus to raising children," added Sarah.

Modis appear ala large woman

Big body does not mean losing the opportunity to look fashionable. With proper selection of clothing, your view was still stunning.

Having an ideal body shape is the dream of all women. With the ideal body shape, wear clothing with various materials, motifs, and any model would look good.

Unfortunately, the body does not belong to many women. There are some extra-bodied women who lack confidence because of trouble finding clothes.

Not surprisingly, obese women tend to choose to "hide" with a size larger and darker colors wanrna. In fact, you can actually look colorful with a variety of fashions. Follow these tips, as reported from Oprah.

Find the size that fits

Use the clothes with the right size, but by no means strict. Any of your body, it is better to use clothes that fit. Large size clothes just make you look unattractive.

motif vertical

Avoid clothing with a pattern of horizontal or V-neck, as it makes an optical illusion that makes you look bigger. Be in a vertical motif that gives the wearer a slim impression.

Know your body shape

If your body is pear-shaped (enlarged to the bottom), disguised the lower body. This can be done by giving more detail on the upper body. Meanwhile, if your body is greater at the top, wear a simple top.

Stay away from the skirt / shorts

For those of you who were big, skirts and shorts should you throw it away because it shows the size of the foot. Half-knee skirts and pants are the best choice because it gives the impression of a slim.

affirmed the waist

Use the waist belt to reinforce the shape. Indicate the best part of your body with the right colors and patterns. Make eyes at him.

Avoid thin material

Avoid clothes with a thin material and stretch like garbadin. Fabric such as this will clarify any part of your body.

Reveals the Importance of Breakfast for Children

BREAKFAST on a regular basis is a very important activity for children. In addition to preventing hunger while doing activities at school, breakfast may increase the concentration of children's learning.

So, whether it's just the positive impact of breakfast on a regular basis? Of course not. In addition to providing benefits for children, breakfast was able to bring something positive for your family. Curious?

For more details, see the following exposure, as reported by Sheknows.

Create healthy habits

If you always have breakfast before leaving for school children, this will become a habit until he was great. Eating in the morning should contain carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. In order for children eager to undergo the activity, you need to make sure that he had a full meal for breakfast. Children who move without first breakfast will have a body condition are less fit.

Child's ability to concentrate so much better

Breakfast can increase concentration while studying in school children. Children who do not have breakfast first will lose focus and slow to absorb knowledge while studying in the classroom. In addition, children who had breakfast at home will have the ability to solve problems better, more creative, and active.

Strengthen the family ties

According to the study, children who eat at the table with the family is more successful and have good communication skills while at school. Therefore, you need to get up around 15-20 minutes early to prepare a healthy breakfast for the family. After that, invite family members to eat together. These habits need to apply every day to deepen ties with family members.

Pregnant Women More Attractive Men?

Physical CHANGES experienced by women during pregnancy was bringing its own passion for men. Even with the new look even more attracted to men found to their partners.

Feeling confident with your new physical appearance when pregnant? Do not worry about first. Because the form of extra experienced by pregnant women would be a particular attraction for men where women look so vulgar, wild, and wannabe.

Do you remember the Silk Smitha, Indian artists with his bulgy body really makes a man look with an open mouth. His body is "full" and unlike most women would be a curvy woman with power at the time.

As quoted from the Indian Sutras, saw a woman breastfeeding a baby is an appeal of a pregnant woman in front of him. You may not believe it but at the Youtube video, breastfeeding women have the same height as the search for sex video. The fact is he interested in seeing pregnant women as compared to normal (virgin).

Women equally attractive during this phase where they try to wear a small shirt that can make them comfortable at all times. This can make them look like hot. Overall, you realize this fact all the points to be true. However, it is an open truth that men love about women however and whatever they are.

Alert, Lack of Oxygen to the Eye

ORDER eye works well, it takes a considerable supply of oxygen from the outside or inside the body. Cause of its shortcomings can be many things, such as too long in the air-conditioned room and in front of computer screens, smoke exposure, as well as the use of contact lenses on an ongoing basis which makes the amount of oxygen into the eye a little more.

Besides the suggestion to occasionally remove the contact lens and replace it with glasses, contact lens material used is also noteworthy. One little, eyes that lack of oxygen can make the vision memburam. The following miscellaneous eye deprived of oxygen, as reported by eHow.


Eyes that lack of oxygen is generally redness, stinging irritation, vision becomes blurry, and dried. Silence can lead to other complications such as permanent eye dryness and corneal dystrophy, which makes the cornea of ​​the eye feels like a cloud, and changing the shape of the object being viewed. Other diseases to watch out for is keratoconus. Characteristics ialan korea depletion causes astigmatism and farsightedness disease. These cases can be treated with corneal transplant so that the eye returns to normal.


The key to the eyes of a lack of oxygen is not following the rules of use and care of contact lenses properly. Do not use contact lenses during sleep and replace it with a new one within the limits of use. Every now and then, let your eyes breathe freely with wearing glasses a day a week. Before you apply, make sure the lenses have been cleared of fat that has accumulated with the solution provided.


Lack of oxygen is generally seen eye redness and stinging, eye drops provide specifically for contact lens users. Finally, select the contact lenses made from silicone hydrogel is able to deliver more oxygen, so the eye to breathe more freely and avoid complications. Made from silicone hydrogel contact lenses can be found in the optical trusted.

Nervousness Before Marriage? Say About This Four

Behind the happiness to be felt, marriage often brings its own anxiety for the bride and groom. So you do not get stuck in that situation, do the following.

Jittery ahead of the day has become a common thing that happens to couples wishing to marry. From the burning spirit of fear and nervousness wrapped it all wrapped into one. Known, life-long commitment to be built is a challenge as well as a separate concern.

But you do not have to run from the situation. Deal with loud and full of smiles it will bring happiness as reported Boldsky, Monday (03/05/2012).

In addition, make your partner was impressed by the minute, and won the hearts of his wife with a successful first night is the next challenge. Here are some ideas that you can say to achieve all the success.


This idea is more applicable to early marriage. When starting a new fabric label household where she became a new member of the family, you should welcome and introduced to the whole family. Talk with him and described along with members of your family.


To make her feel comfortable, you have to build intimacy with his wife. On the wedding night, a man must try to tell her how important she is to you. Express your feelings and make her feel how important she is to you and your family. It makes it feel needed. On the wedding night, she experienced the tension of physical love. This idea could make him feel better and relaxed with your presence.

Explain the role

You can explain politely that he needs his role on the first night. A woman afraid of new homes and new responsibilities, you can briefly tell you his role he should do. Do not dominate or demanding. He wants to support you every time, so make sure you explain it with the best intentions.

Promises to be his

All women want to be loved. Even after marriage, she wanted to feel wanted. So on the eve of the wedding, he must notify will continue to love his wife.

Megan Fox Does Not Feeling Beautiful

Was awarded a beautiful face, in fact did not make Megan Fox feels it has a predicate. Instead, she felt that her face keukeuh mediocre.

Received praise filed beautiful people might be a dream woman. Thus, to obtain the title, the women perform a variety of interesting ways to display itself.

But unlike most, Megan Fox would not feel it. Actress and model 25 years just did not feel beautiful and attractive.

Sexy and beautiful woman insisted that she did not always look so attractive. The actress who is often referred to as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood is claimed, that she was ugly over the years when young.

"I was never a beautiful girl," said Megan, who grew up in Texas, as reported from Showbizpy

Eye Shadow Hold Suspect is Too Long

MANY ways to do her makeup can last longer. But, women need to be suspicious if too long-lasting eye shadow after being exposed to water.

At least according to the make up artist, Blue Sudirman. Although the use of cosmetics is imported cosmetics, no eye shadow that can survive long enough after exposure to water.

"Want that expensive or cheap, which is imported and local ingredients as eye shadow. Even if the eye shadow is used is still preserved after exposure to water, we need to be suspicious, "said the man who is familiarly called Didi Palalada when found in restaurants, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, recently.

He warned, the skin around the eyes is the thinnest skin. So it is too long-lasting eye shadow contains material that may be harmful.

"The trick is easy to create durable easy eye shadow, really. Before use, apply a moisturizer first. After ablutions, for example, tap-tap soft eye shadow with waxed paper and repeat usage, "the bespectacled man was close.

Accessories 2012, Expression of the Spring & Summer

From floral motif to ensure a futuristic trend accessories from head to toe with you on this year.

Yes, for those who like to follow fashion trends, you'll want to listen a little cheat sheet of Harper's Bazaar recently released the designers of the world earlier this year. This accessory trends provide an option for those who want to look special in the spring and summer of this year by wearing shoes, jewelry, clutch, vest, or dress in accordance with the trends that will take place abroad. Broadly speaking, the trend this year's style show two characters more expressive, the game of colors and futuristic accents.

Tribal Touches or tribal motifs into one of the important fashion trends, such as outlined in the collections of Balenciaga accessories like bracelets. Or maybe Indian-style necklace from Michael Kors and tribal buckle accent in the collection of Burberry clutch and clutch from Bottega Veneta.

Saturated sorbets or a game of refreshing color saturation is also used as an important point to this trend. You can show this trend by wearing the clutch selection of Chloe, Prada, Lanvin and offering their collections with colors such as blue or yellow plum juice. Ladylike & White, or better known as the royal princess style bath accessories with the dominant white appearance, is also likely to be a trend this year's style.

To wear this style, you can start hunting collection of new pumps and high heels from Alexander Wang, Alexander Wang and Pucci, Givenchy, and Altuzarra. For the clutch, you can get this ladylike motif with a collection of creamy colors of Dior. For its futuristic design, you can find it in the latest collection of Louis Vuitton's heels sandals are performed with metal accents on it.

Yes, color or chrome accents are identical with the futuristic theme each year. In addition to the collection of the LV, shoes kitten heels Mary Janes from Marc Jacobs dominated the silver also become an eccentric choice. The theme of the other performances that you can wear after the rainy season this is a Floral Fetish. Accessories such as shoes with flower accents you can have with a collection of McQueen and Altuzarra wedges.

Collection of other accessories that you can start hunting is kind of earrings from several labels such as Prada and Bottega Veneta. For this accessory, you should choose earrings or earrings with flower design that shows a strong character.

Well, to complement your appearance, you should try wearing a bracelet collection of Carolina Herrera, Fendi, Donna Karan, and Balenciaga. Or tribal eclectic design with bright colors or rings of wood, to be attractive options for the style this year.

Have Tighten Skin After Childbirth

After giving birth, women often have problems in the area of skin. The desire to have the skin smoother and firmer into their dreams. So, what can be done?

It was inevitable that women will have skin problems due to enlargement of infants up to nine months and after childbirth. However, Moms can get easily from the tip of this solution, as reported by Boldsky.

Important nutrients for pregnant women

- Reduce food not the right way. Hunger or lack of fluid will make a slow metabolic rate and the possibility of loose skin.

Eating all natural foods can be the best choice. These foods should be eaten in small portions in the same interval. Kosumsi Avoid heavy meals as much as 1000-1500 calories in one meal. To increase your metabolism, you can also consume the fruit and herbs.

Exercise to avoid sagging skin

There is resistance exercises to avoid sagging skin. Resistance training can build muscle under sagging stomach. With the gradual loss of abdominal fat, the muscles take an empty space without allowing the skin to sag. Simple stretches and exercises will avoid loose skin trunk and conditions at the bottom.

Gel and warm massage oil

A gel (ask your doctor's advice before using) applied to the sagging skin. Transdermal supplements to absorb fats and avoid loose skin. Also, massaging the body with warm coconut oil or castor oil on the stomach and a hot shower can prevent skin sagging.

Dating Success in a Perfect Night

DATE perfect right on the night of the dream of every couple. Who would not want to get it?

Good food, wine, and a little romance is the perfect place to create the exact date at night. As reported Womenlifestyle, there are some things you should consider if you want to get the perfect evening. No matter what your budget is large or small, remarkable date will occur.

candle decoration

Create a romantic atmosphere under candlelight glow is a dream woman. No matter where the place, if only low lit candles in small glasses on a table or around the room it would be romantic to her.

Start with tradition

Open up the blockage of the wine bottle and irislah toast to the people you love and praise him as a privileged partner. It really shows you put some impression in those special moments.

Special dinner

If the dinner is part of your date, make a favorite dish. Do not forget to bring out the fancy table to your backyard garden, if you have it. Make it a date night so special for you so that your partner will feel very special.

romantic touch

A series of flower bouquet can make your simple date night to be special.

Fake moaning, What Women Reasons?

WHEN making love, hear the groans of the couple is the sexiest thing that you like. But, what happens when the moans are fake?

Fake breasts, fake ass, fake orgasm, and now the fake moaning? Maybe it's some cases that occur in relationships, as reported by AskMen, Thursday (02/02/2012). Public perception in this bed occurs when couples have sex and find a new case of a woman moaning, but it was a fake.

Research from the University of Central Lancashire show, that a woman moaning in bed implies a relationship of pleasure or orgasm is achieved. In fact, if found fake moans, men prefer their partner's snoring than fake orgasms.

The researchers found that women do fake moans, realizing it was to manipulate the position (although he always knew she liked manipulative). This method is often done just to help the couple reach a climax or an idea about how women should behave during sex.

So even if you encourage him or just "play" during the sex act, keep in mind that the moans were not always associated with pleasure that he achieved.

Trick Keep Breast-feeding while Working

Difficult to give breast milk (ASI) to the baby because of the work as well? Follow this advice!

Not only do you have to undergo routine breastfeeding while working, the other woman did. But do not breastfeed because of job or career clothes is cruel. The reason, breastfeeding is the greatest gift for the mother and infant health.

Well, here's a guide to you in order to balance the work and nursing, as reported by Boldsky.


If you want to have a baby, then you should be ready to breastfeed at work (if allowed to take the child to work). Colleagues may scoff, or you may feel uncomfortable atmosphere, but it's done for the sake of the child.

Care, the best way to get in touch

Work is already taking the maximum time that you build a better relationship with your baby through breast-feeding only. Care after you return from work or during the weekend will make you enjoy a wonderful relationship with the baby.

Learn to breastfeed

Many working mothers decide to stop breastfeeding their babies because they do not know the procedures for providing meals. Stick to a schedule so that you can breast feed smoothly. Be patient in teaching or helping the baby to suck milk right way.

Vacation plans after childbirth

This time just spent a long time with your baby during the holidays and enjoy the process of breastfeeding in the postnatal phase. Understand that your baby needs for food and care, so plan to spend the holidays with your child.

On time for work

Your personal responsibility should not affect employment, so it can make your morning easier. As set an alarm to wake up early to baby care, bathing, getting ready, wrap your lunch, and set the bottle in the fridge. Prioritize your meals and breaks to relax and enjoy the work.

Jennifer Lopez's body style Woe

AGE is not young and have children, but Jennifer Lopez can keep in shape remains fantastic. What's the secret?

Investigate a calibaration, beautiful singer who is often addressed through occupation JLo's famous diet in France. The program was introduced by the management bodies of nutrition and diet expert named Pierre occupation.

For this diet well, JLo avoid eating carbohydrates such as pasta and rice, and eat more foods rich in protein and green vegetables.

In addition, he also did not drink and dessert. As to suppress hunger, JLo tasted like vegetable soup before eating to stay fit and full. So that was launched Boldsky, Thursday (02/02/2012).

Do not stop there, the singer born July 24, 1969 was a success has a slim body shape thanks to the sport four to five days a week. He underwent training Krav Maga (Israeli self-defense forces) and cardio for 60-90 minutes, which began with a 10-minute warm-up, including yoga.

As a singer and dancer, Jennifer also loves to dance and feel it is one of the easiest exercises to lose weight. Jazz and hip hop is her favorite dance.

Select Party Shoes for Women

Confused mix and match the shoes with the dress when going to attend a party? Not to be confused, this strategy could be your solution.

To get the perfect look during a party, you need to match the clothes you wear with the best accessories and footwear that fits.

The following models of shoes that you can choose to steal the show at the party, as reported by Boldsky, Thursday (02/02/2012).

Tip Toed heels

This kind of fashionable shoes and clothing appropriate for the style of the party. You can buy a black or nude to go to a party. Black is ideal because it fits with any color dress. tip toe heels look good to go to a party, but if you want to keep a simple and comfortable look, wear a short tip-toe heels.

Pencil heels

This shoe is a favorite choice every time, and when combined with the best accessories party clothes. Any footwear designed to be worn high heels for the party.


If you want to hide your feet because they do not have confidence in her party dress, wear boots. Thigh high boots with high heels are trendy and fashionable has always been a suitable choice for the party.

Knee length tie ups

This is a trendy and fashionable shoes for all women. With a ribbon in front of the shoe will look cool too. Casual look can be the best accessory. For a party, try a model with the right heel shoes pencil skirts to complement your dress.

Seven Signs He's Just Want to be Friends

He was so concern that occurred to the feeling that you love. But apparently, not even an expression of love from the lips of him. Does he love you?

Not to be confused to read every sign that he's given. You may know her by reading the contents of these signs, as reported from Howaboutwe, Wednesday (01/02/2012).

He invited others to hang out with you

You are surprised when she called and invited to go with it, maybe just a movie or dinner. But it turns out, you know that he also invited other people. If he wants to make you more than friends, not possible to invite other people besides you.

E-mail him very friendly, but to the point

She e-mailed to you just simply want to know the news. But he will not reply to e-mail from you on an ongoing basis, at most two times.

He never sends short messages to your first

In fact, he sometimes takes me hours to membakas brief message from you.

He asks you for advice to women's affairs

In high school, asked the advice of a girl to the woman you love is a tempting strategy and it is the perfect opportunity to gauge how she felt about you. But as adults, males generally will not ask a woman about the pseudo-advice to others. If you like, he wants you to know.

He will ask you to accompany her when a holiday

He will send you a short message at approximately 18:00 to see if you want to have dinner together or just watch the movie. This means he is charging a relaxing time and immediately thought about you - but if he likes you, he will make sure you do not have an event or plan ahead.

He did not offer to pay

Most men and women have reached a fairly egalitarian attitude when sharing financial responsibility. Pasalanya, the couple will take turns to pay and the woman should always be offered. But when a guy really likes a woman, most of the ancient attitude of him wanted to look dashing in paying bills. If you insist on paying the bills, he might give up, but at least he will offer to pay.

He did not try to kiss you

Unless she superpemalu, most men can find the courage to express in a woman.

Treat Skin During Pregnancy

EVEN're pregnant, you are still advised to maintain healthy skin healthy and radiant. Then, how?

Here are suggestions from Dr. Midi Haryani SpKK Pulomas OMNI Hospital, Jakarta.

1. Make a habit of washing your face twice a day using a facial cleanser commonly used or recommended by a doctor.

2. Consumption of four of five perfectly healthy diet, vitamins and minerals.

3. Drinking eight glasses of water a day.

4. Get plenty of rest, at least six-eight hours per day. When resting, the skin cells to work to update the dead skin cells.

5. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need to exercise to maintain blood circulation. Sports that can be done in the form of gymnastics or a leisurely stroll.

Workload Due to Stress-Free

Tired with the endless task of the office that makes you stress and depression. Taste like much-needed vacation, but what if the power can not be allowed.

Stress is a part of most of our lives, but it should not be a big factor as well. With the help of the following stress-relieving techniques, you can feel calmer and healthier.

Here's a tip that you can do when faced with stress, as reported by Womenlifestyle, Thursday (02/02/2012).

Hot tub

To reduce tension and calm sleep, you can soak in the tub with hot water for 90 minutes. Hot water also dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow to diseased or damaged tissue. In addition, hot water provides buoyancy that reduces strain on muscles and joints.

Sports equipment

Having a trainer bike, treadmill or elliptical stationary at home to invite you to move. Little exercise, known as mood booster. In a study at Duke University, the sport is proven to reduce major depression as well as standard antidepressants. Other studies have shown that approximately 10 minutes of brisk walking improves mood and increases energy levels one to two hours after running.


Some things that can reduce the stress is in the hands of the massage can release tension in muscles. Massage can reduce pain, reduce anxiety, and even can enhance immune system function. There are different types of massage available. A person can invest in home massage table and invite couples to do massage together. However, most prefer to visit the spa or rehabilitation centers and rely on trained professional massage.


A pond, like a hot tub, can foster a feeling of relaxation. Providing a pool of water with the benefits and training. Swimming every day can relieve the stress of work and family life issues.

Alternative therapies

Such as acupuncture or tai chi can help relieve feelings of stress.
Tai chi is a noncompetitive system of self defense, aided by physical exercise, and stretching. To do tai chi, you just need to do a series of postures or movements.

Can a woman smile? Men Do It

Women want to be happy when with a partner. However, the he often did not know how to partner with a smile. What should you do as a real man?

Want to win the heart of the woman you love? Begin by making them smile. But it's not as easy as you might imagine, but the trend topics on Twitter on # 30WaysToMakeAGirlSmile can help you find answers.

Here's his review, as reported by AskMen, Thursday (02/02/2012).

"Help him to open his jacket. Pull out her chair at dinner. Opened the door for her. Let him order his food. Avoid cell phone from him. "

"Wear the traditional way and bring your partner interest."

"Send the message funny and good night that would make her happy smile to bed."

"Call your partner and tell him you do not want anything just to hear her voice."

"Show him that you are proud to be with him."
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